Terms and Definitions

The following table defines some terms with which you should be familiar.




A VoiceXML application

extension point

A custom adapter or interface that integrates a voice browser component with the Vocalocity Voice Browser.

CSP VoiceXML Release 1.1 includes the SwitchKit telephony extension point (TEP) that integrates the CSP 2090 with the Vocalocity Voice Browser.


A component or tool is running on a separate server from the Vocalocity Voice Browser.


A component or tool is running on the same server as the Vocalocity Voice Browser

voice browser

A collection of software that works together to integrate and manage telephony, automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-speech (TTS), DTMF (touchtone), third party or custom services, media, and other resources required to run VoiceXML applications.

voice browser component

A third-party software product – such as SpeechWorks Speechify – or hardware product – such as an Excel CSP 2090 switch.

When one or more are combined with the VocalOS communication framework and the Vocalocity VoiceXML interpreter, these components become the Vocalocity Voice Browser.

Vocalocity Management Cluster (VMC)

A physical grouping of servers, set up at installation time.

VMCs assist with management – they enable you to group servers by their purpose (for example, production or testing) and administer and monitor them more easily.

When you install the Vocalocity Voice Browser, you must specify the VMC to which each server belongs.

Vocalocity Voice Browser

The packaged solution that manages telephony, automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-speech (TTS), DTMF, third party or custom services, media, and other needed resources.

The Vocalocity Voice Browser consists of combinations of the following:

n Vocalocity VoiceXML Interpreter

n VocalOS communications framework

n Third-party ASR and TTS integrations

n Excel CSP 2090 and Intel Dialogic telephony integrations


Also called the VocalOS communications framework. The common integration framework and central middleware for Vocalocity technology.